
Learning for Development Association


Learning for Development Association (LDA) was part of former of Learning House for Development (LHD) or Lao NPA Network, operating and implementing activities since September 2010.

LDA focuses efforts on capability development for CSO’s staff and partnerships with NPAs, so as to strengthen their ability to form implement their own plans more effectively, and through this contribute to positive changes in beneficiaries living conditions in partner communities.

LDA is a non-political, non-profit and non-religious organization. Our activities are open to all Lao Civil Society Organisations work in all development sectors, whether registered or unregistered. We are providing a friendly and supportive environment for Lao Civil Society Organisations to develop their capabilities, and share experiences and learning information. With extended experience in working with Lao Civil Society Organizations, LDA has a sound understanding of capacity development needs and can provide quality services to both organisations and staff working on development issues.

A strong and capable Civil Society that effectively contributes to the inclusive and sustainable Lao social-economic development

Enhance the capability of the civil society groups by providing capacity building in management so that they can mobilize funds from various sources and effectively and efficiently implement in their project activities.

To contribute to the creation of an enabling environment in which Lao NPAs and other civil society groups can effectively contribute to: the inclusive and sustainable development of Laos, poverty reduction and socio-economic development.

Objective 1:
To upgrade the skills of Lao civil society staff to enable implementation of efficient development projects in their target communities. • Increase provision and quality of capacity development • Develop new approaches for capacity development (coaching, exchange, study tours)

Objective 2:
To enhance mutual solidarity and sharing of capacity development information for Lao civil society • Introduce Knowledge and Information System (KIS) • Continue to improve communication and coordination systems to fit NPAs needs

Objective 3:
To contribute to an enabling environment which include and recognizes of Lao CSOs at local, national and international level (for APF/AEPF)

• Improve participation and representation of Lao CSOs at local, national and international level • Increase recognition of CSOs/NPAs by other groups • Look ahead to APF future to be hosted in Laos (LDA will assist Lao APF Committee to facilitate CSOs input in coordination and content)

value and principles:

-All lives have equal value
– All people deserve equal access to opportunities
– Aid efficiency promoting civil society development effectiveness
– Accountability, transparency and cost effectiveness
– Encourages a more efficient learning environment
– Maintains trust and respect between partners and team members
– LDA is a facilitator not a direct provider
– LDA strives to empower Lao civil society to achieve their goals